Rabbit Dildo Sex Toys For Women Rabbit Vibrator 12 Function Sex Toys For Female Online Shop
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Vibrator egg
Nowadays, although there are many brands of vibrator egg for women, they are used in the same way. Vibrator egg is also known as a telescopic multifunctional stick. This vibrator egg is modeled after pulling and inserting, and different styles combine a variety of functions such as vulva stimulation, egg jumping, ball transfer, simulation modeling, stick twisting, and so on. High-tech sex toys, such as sex toys can make women extremely high.
How to use vibrator egg for women?
It is very easy to use. The vibrator egg has a switch and has two or three gears. The frequency of vibration is increased one by one. The purpose is to frequently rub your clitoris, vaginal folds, labia minora, vaginal vestibule and other sensitive areas, which is more effective than masturbation. Obviously, and reduce friction, to avoid damage to the skin and soft tissues, the feeling is from shallow to deep, it is completely superb time to choose personal preferences, floating like a fairy.
How to maintain vibrator egg for women is correct?
First of all, there are a lot of secretions and lubricating oil residues in the "toy" after using the vibrator egg for women. If you do not clean it for a long time, it is easy to breed bacteria, so please start cleaning your "toy" as soon as possible after use "; When cleaning, you can use warm water and soap for scrubbing, it is recommended to cooperate with special detergents for sex toys; followed by drying: it is recommended to wipe with a dry cotton cloth after washing, or high-quality paper towels are also good choices. After wiping, let it air dry naturally to avoid exposure to the sun! In the end, you can use a special cleaning solution, disinfectant or 75% alcohol for sex toys. Although some sexually indifferent women know that the inability to achieve orgasm during the disharmonious sex life will cause the accumulated energy and toxins to be excreted and endanger health, which is very dangerous.
Does vibrator egg help with sexual apathy?
Although many people know that the vibrator egg can help, when it is targeted at specific populations, we may be a little vague about its specific functions. The vibrator egg is useful for sexual apathy because the vibrator egg is suitable for sexual apathy, such as 1. Couples living in separate places, strong sexual desire of females/men, impaired sexual function and long-term sexual life disorder Women/men; 2. long-time bachelor modern women/men who can't bear loneliness and don't want to have sex with the opposite sex casually; 3. women/men who are cold, lack of orgasm or sexual excitement, sexual desire Strongly sexually functional female / male extreme. Vibrator egg has a switch, there are two or three gears, the frequency of vibration is increased one by one, the purpose is to frequently rub your clitoris, vaginal folds, labia minora, vaginal vestibule, and other sensitive areas, the effect is more obvious than masturbation, and reduce friction To avoid damaging the skin and soft tissues, the feeling is from shallow to deep. It is entirely a matter of personal preference and superb time.